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Transfering Saved Data to a New Device
To prepare for the changes coming in the newest version of the Android operating system we have had to change the way the Export/Import file works in a few ways. Future versions of the Android OS will restrict apps from easily accessing the public Download folder where the file was previously stored, so a change was required.
This page will serve as a guide both to the new changes and as a general FAQ for moving data between devices.
To create an Export/Import file first tap on the Settings button from the title screen (pictured below):

Next tap on the Data button at the top of the list:

On the Data Management screen scroll to the bottom of the save slots until you see the Export/Import file slot. It will indicate (NOT FOUND) if you currently do not have a backup file created. Tap on this slot and then tap on the Save button:

After tapping on the Save button you will be prompted that the file was created and be given the general file path of the backup:

Now that the file exists, you can navigate out to it either by connecting your phone to a PC and finding it via Windows, or by locating it on your phone using the file manager. You will find the back up file in your internal storage as follows:

You may now select this file and copy it to the same directory on your new device (the directory is created automatically when you launch the app for the first time) by sending it to yourself via any means you like (e-mail, copying from Windows, etc).
After you have copied the file into the Android/data/ folder on your new device you can enter the app, navigate back to the Data Management screen and click on the Export/Import file slot. You will be given the option to Load the data. Tap the Load button:

You have now moved your saved data to a new device! Be aware that this will only copy the single save file that was exported. If you wish to copy data from multiple save slots you will need to repeat this process for each one, saving the imported data to a normal slot on your new device as you do.
You can manually move backup files created by previous versions of the app (from your Download folder) to the new application files folder and import them as well. If you do this, however, you will need to rename the file "elaedbackup" from its previously misspelled name "eleadbackup" (whoops!) for the new version of the app to see it.
Uninstalling the app will also remove the export/import file on the device as well, so be sure to copy over your data before removing the app from your old device! This is a consequence of the scoped storage change to Android OS and differs from how the file behaved previously.
Whew! That may seem like a lot of steps, but it allows you to keep your saved progress even if you upgrade to a new device or if you are playing on multiple devices at different times while still allowing Legacy of Elaed to be completely offline and not depend on cloud storage.
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